Research governance is very important, it ensures the public can have confidence in, and benefit from, quality research in health and social care. The approval process is in place to ensure that the various legislations and guidelines are followed, which ultimately protects the patients, researcher and the organisation.
Clinical research projects are required to adhere to the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research (as introduced in 2017, replacing previous Research Governance Framework). The R&D department of each organisation is responsible for ensuring that specific research project can be conducted on their site. This will include assessment of feasibility and capacity to deliver the project. A green light from the Research & Innovation Centre (RIC) at the RNOH is required for research involving NHS patients, staff, data and facilities. Conducting research without relevant permissions is illegal.
We are here to facilitate your approval process. Our aim is to make sure good research can happen, not to drown you in paperwork. The first step to take when you have a project idea is to complete the Research Proposal Form. This will be used in conjunction with Health Research Authority (HRA) decision tool and National Research Ethics Service Defining Research Leaflet by our Project Evaluation Panel (PEP) to determine whether your project is a Clinical Audit, Service Evaluation or Research.
The purpose of the PEP is to discuss each proposal, decide the type of study and offer the relevant support needed for approval. The outcome of the review is provided, detailing the next steps. The RNOH RIC is responsible for reviewing both research and service evaluations. Clinical Audits will be referred to the Clinical Governance Team.
Please e-mail rnoh.
Performance in Initiating and Delivering (PID) Clinical Research Exercise
RNOH RIC team submits data in line with requirements of the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) to provide transparent data on timelines for research initiation.
We receive information from the central team, which provides information on all NHS Organisations.
Q3 2017/18 report will be available shortly.