Foot & Ankle Reconstruction Unit
The Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Unit at the RNOH is led by recognised consultants with international reputation, each with specialised expertise in the management of a wide range of foot and ankle problems including sports injuries, arthritis and deformity.
Patients benefit from a multidisciplinary approach with rheumatologists, sports doctors, on-site orthotists, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists and physicians assistants.
Our surgeons are invited to lecture internationally and have produced many articles and textbooks about foot and ankle surgery.
Range of services
All our consultants provide expert care for the following conditions:
- Ankle Arthritis and deformity
- Ankle Arthroscopy
- Ankle Replacements
- Flat feet deformity and tibialis posterior dysfunction
- Forefoot deformity (including bunions, arthritis and lesser toes)
- Hindfoot arthritis and deformity
- Midfoot arthritis and deformity
- Neuromuscular feet (including CharcotMarie Tooth)
- Osteochondral defects of the talus
- Plantar fasciitis
- Sports and dance injuries
- Tendon disorders
The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust (RNOH) receives clinical referrals to our specialist, tertiary neuro-musculoskeletal services from primary, secondary, and tertiary care institutions regarding both NHS and private patients.
From Monday 13th December 2021, the RNOH Foot and Ankle service committed to using ‘PATHPOINT’, an electronic referral and pathway management system, for all Consultant-led referrals from secondary and tertiary care organisations.
General Practitioners should continue to refer to RNOH using the UK Electronic Referral System (ERS)- please see below.
PATHPOINT offers significant benefits to referrers:
- Secure, streamlined, electronic referral forms
- Receive updates and notifications in real time
- Increased visibility of all referrals and triage outcomes
To submit a referral to the Foot and Ankle Reconstruction unit please access the 'PATHPOINT' link (within your Secure hospital network) and follow the steps below:
- Register with your personal NHS email address for a PATHPOINT account to manage your referral/s
- Login to your account with your credentials by clicking the 'PATHPOINT' link
- Input your referring organisation, and patient PID details
- Click the drop down list of referral pathway forms and select "Tertiary Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Unit referral" and click "Go to referral form" to launch the form
- Fill in all fields of the Tertiary Foot and Ankle Reconstruction unit referral form and click "Save Tertiary Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Unit referral"
NB: You will receive notification emails to your NHS email account from PATHPOINT from the Foot and Ankle Reconstruction unit with updates about the status of your referral if further information is required.
To give your feedback, or for any further questions, please email the relevant contact below:
PATHPOINT Technical Support: support
Feedback to RNOH Project Team: rnoh.
For further information on the PATHPOINT system, please click here
Referrals are accepted from GPs and consultants. If you are a GP referring to the RNOH please use the NHS e-Referral Service system, e-RS.
The Foot & Ankle Reconstruction Unit has a strong pedigree of research. The unit is actively involved with cutting edge research into novel methods of treating arthritis, deformity correction, treatment of neuromuscular disorders, and into methods for assessing foot and ankle conditions.
The unit collaborates with other renowned centres both nationally and internationally to ensure that the RNOH can continue to provide the best standard of care to its patients. The unit may discuss recruitment to a clinical trial with patients if it is felt to be appropriate.
Administration team: 020 3947 0050
Email: rnoh.
Clinical Nurse Specialist helpline: 020 8909 5305
Karen Alligan – Lead Foot and Ankle Nurse
Angelica Gheorghe – Clinical Nurse Specialist
Wil Rongavilla – Clinical Nurse Specialist
Jo Benfield – Specialist Physiotherapist
Foot and Ankle Surgery
These videos are to support, guide and educate patients who are thinking of undergoing ankle or hind foot fusion surgery. They help to prepare patients for surgery and ensure they are fully informed of all the risks benefits and alternatives.
00:00 - Welcome Introduction
02:00 - Anatomy of the foot
04:15 - What is Osteoarthritis?
07:49 - Options surgical - non surgical
09:53 - Types of surgery - Why and How?
13:42 - Pre Admission
15:41 - Post-operative Care
18:09 - What to expect
19:14 - Complications
22:51 - Things to consider
24:54 - Frequently Ask Questions
CONTACT DETAILS Email: CNS Helpline: 0208 909 5305
Information Guides for Adults
Foot and ankle
See the full list of Patient Information Guides.