Rehabilitation Medical Team
The doctors carry out twice weekly ward rounds and discuss issues with the patients and the multi-disciplinary team. They will arrange for further assessments and treatments and review medication as appropriate, as well as organise further specialist input where necessary.
The medical team consists of three Consultants and usually three Doctors in training who are on rotation.
The medical team also works closely with their surgical colleagues to manage the effects of spinal cord injury and includes liaison with Spinal Surgeons, upper limb and lower limb orthopaedic teams, plastic surgery etc.
There is a well established research programme at the Spinal Cord Injury Centre and there are several ongoing projects involving acute and established spinal cord injured patients.
The medical team are keen to address the issue of health and wellbeing and will look to advising patients about future health risks, ageing in spinal cord injury and bone health.
The medical team communicates with the patient's General Practitioner to ensure support on discharge.
Outpatient clinics are run regularly for follow up of discharged patients, and new patient clinics are run as well to see new referrals.
For further information contact: 020 8909 5596 or 020 8909 5770