The RNOH myeloma service
Myeloma patients with spinal implications have been treated for a long time within our spinal deformity unit.
We are proud to have launched our international myeloma service, which aims to be a high quality service following the latest international guidelines in the treatment of myeloma.
The patient pages provide information on what you can expect when you are seen at the RNOH. We have outlined the pathway for you. Myeloma UK is the official organisation for myeloma where you can find further information.
Also, we explain what type of treatment you may get if your spine is affected by myeloma and how we will follow up on your treatment to ensure you get back to your normal activities.
The information is here as a guide for patients and professionals and will provide useful links to relevant information.
The RNOH receives clinical referrals to our specialist, tertiary neuro-musculoskeletal services from primary, secondary, and tertiary care institutions regarding both NHS and private patients.
From Monday 14 March, the RNOH Myeloma service has committed to using ‘PATHPOINT’, an electronic referral and pathway management system, for all Consultant-led referrals from secondary and tertiary care organisations.
To submit a referral to the RNOH Spinal Myeloma Service, please click the 'PATHPOINT' link and follow the steps below:
To submit a referral to the RNOH Spinal Myeloma Service, please access the 'PATHPOINT' link (within your Secure hospital network) and follow the steps below:
1. Register with your personal NHS email address for a PATHPOINT account to manage your referral/s
2. Login to your account with your credentials by clicking the 'PATHPOINT' link
3. Input your referring organisation, and patient PID details
4. Click the dropdown list of referral pathway forms and select "Tertiary Myeloma referral" and click "Go to referral form" to launch the form
5. Fill in all fields of the Tertiary Myeloma referral form and click "Save Tertiary Myeloma referral"
NB: You may receive notification emails to your NHS email account from PATHPOINT from the RNOH Spinal Myeloma Service requesting further information if required. We will manage all referrals within 72 hours.
If you are making an urgent referral out of hours or over the weekend, please submit a referral as above, but also please can you call the RNOH and ask for the spinal/orthopaedic on-call reg, via the Main Gate switchboard on 020 3947 0100
General Practitioners should continue to refer to RNOH using the UK Electronic Referral System (ERS)- please see below.
PATHPOINT offers significant benefits to referrers:
- Secure, streamlined, electronic referral forms
- Receive updates and notifications in real-time
- Increased visibility of all referrals and triage outcomes
For further information on the PATHPOINT system, please click here
To give your feedback, or for any further questions, please email the relevant contact below:
PATHPOINT Technical Support: support
Referrals are accepted from GPs and consultants. If you are a GP referring to the RNOH please use the NHS e-Referral Service system, e-RS.
- Mr Sean Molloy, BS, MRCS, MSc (orthopaedic engineering), FRCS (Orth):
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon with a special interest in Myeloma and spinal deformity
Consultant Spinal Surgeon RNOH & Honorary Associate Professor of UCL
Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science - Mr Jan Herzog
Consultant Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgeon - Mr Roozbeh Shafafy
Consultant Spinal Surgeon - Mr John Afolayan
Consultant Spinal Surgeon - Dr Adam Benton
Specialty Doctor – Spinal Myeloma Service - Dr Majella Horgan
Speciality Doctor for Myeloma and Spinal Surgery - Dr Charalampia Kyriakou MD, PhD
- Consultant Haematologist, University College London and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospitals, with a special interest in multiple myeloma
- Holly Phimister
Myeloma Lead Orthotist - Dawn Lewinson
Operations Manager for Specialist Surgery – 020 8909 5822 - Sandra Moore
Service Manager for Spinal Surgery and Peripheral Nerve Injury (PNI) - 020 3947 0622 - Grainne Allen
- Spinal Myeloma Administration Manager - 020 8909 5739
- Nicola (Nicky) Jarvis
Spinal Myeloma secretary – 020 3947 0298