Surgeon and GP information for painful hip replacements/resurfacings with metal bearings or those with an adverse reaction to metal debris in non-metal bearing replacements.

Our close working relationship between radiologists and orthopaedic lower limb surgeons ensures the best advice and treatment for the patient.

Our service is informed by the UK MHRA guidelines for patients with metal bearing hips. We will provide referrers with comprehensive surgical and/or conservative advice for the management of these patients.

An update was issued on 30 June 2017 on MoM hip implants - BOA/BHS joint statement from MHRA. 

The service is open to any GP or surgeon. The patient’s suitability for the MDT will be assessed by the RNOH consultant team.

For referrals to the service at the RNOH, please visit the Painful metal-on-metal bearings in hip replacements referral form.

You will need to complete the online referral form and return it via the referral submit button. In addition, you will need to forward all relevant images, which should include a post-operative and recent plain radiograph (AP and lateral) and MARS MRI sent via the Image Exchange Portal, (IEP) or by CD to the MDT coordinator.

Our MDT coordinator will confirm receipt and a report of the recommendations of the MDT team will be issued within three weeks of the full information being received.

Useful contact information:

RNOH switchboard: 020 3947 0100
MDT coordinator: 020 8909 5279