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Events in December 2023

Apr 19
  • Public Events

Are you a registered/student children nurse or adult nurse with a keen interest in caring for children? Are you looking for a new and exciting career opportunity?

Join the RNOH team caring for children and young people in a 27-bed unit, providing comprehensive orthopaedic and musculoskeletal surgery support, including acute spinal cord injury rehabilitation.

No need to book - just turn up on the day, bring your CV and photo ID

Interviews will be offered on the day



Apr 27
  • Public Events

Join our exceptional Occupational Therapy team at RNOH

Are you a passionate Occupational Therapist looking for an exciting opportunity to make a difference in healthcare? Or curious about such a position and what is does? Then look no further. 

We're ready to meet you and discuss your future with us; all you need is a passion for delivering exceptional patient care at a globally recognised centre of excellence. Join our exceptional Occuptational Therapy team.

Interested in attending? Contact rnoh.rnohopenday@nhs.net for more information. Please send your name, email address number and area of interest and we will get back to you.

To book, please complete this short form or scan this QR code:

QRCode for Occupational Therapy Open Day 27 April 2024 - Booking Form.png